Fees for violations may be collected by check at any time. Contact an HOA Board member for details.

Payment varies per violation. If you have a question about your violation payment, please contact a board member.


For those wishing to contribute financially to support the Conjurer's Neck community and/or our Homeowners' Association, we now have a PayPal button for your donations. Thank you for your continued support in bettering our community!

Dues are collected annually during the month of September with a deadline of October 1. Statements are normally sent out during the end of August or beginning of September. Dues can be paid by making a check out to Conjurer's Neck HOA and delivering/mailing it to the address listed on your statement (be sure to include your lot number on the Memo line of the check).

Please send dues to:

Conjurer's Neck HOA

PO Box 1297

Colonial Heights, VA 23834

Dues are currently $165.